I am a graduate student at Marquette University in the computer science department.

My current research focuses on Vision+X models in computational pathology and how to interpret their predictions through explainability algorithms. I am also interested in foundation models, unsupervised pre-training schemes, generative AI, LLMs and adversarial attacks.

Previously, I was a lecturer in the Electrical, Electronic, and Communication (EECE) department, MIST.

Technical Write-ups

I maintain several technical blogs where I write about topics in deep learning and machine learning.

  • Main Blog: My main blog where I cover all sorts of topic including deep learning architectures, Pytorch, statistics, machine learning, etc.
  • Linear Algebra Blog: My Linear Algebra blog where I keep my lecture notes regarding linear algera.


I have a habit of curating courses in deep learning and related resources. Check out this GitHub repo for that. I also have a habit of curating technical blog posts on deep learning-related topics. Check out this Github repo for that. I also have a repository where I curate other interesting stuff I find about deep learning, stats and math which includes interactive websites and publicly available books and e-books.